Halloween was awesome. The best year yet. I haven’t had that much fun on Halloween since I was a teenager rolling ( that’s Southern for TPing) the sheriff’s backyard. The kids were so stinking cute and collected a lot of candy which I will probably eat most of. Holiday weight here I come!! Of course, after Halloween comes November.
November is a crazy month for us. Why so crazy you ask? Well, I’ll give you the rundown. On Monday, my nephew will be 15 ( 15! ), in 3 weeks my babies will be ( sniff, sniff) 4, and this coming Saturday my mother turns ….. 29…again ( Happy Birthday Mom!). There’s also that little holiday we are all thinking about, Thanksgiving, a mere 3 days after my kids’ birthday. Thanksgiving is followed by my very favorite holiday, Black Friday. I am secretly in love with Black Friday. I go in with a wad of cash and come out with a buggy full of stuff and only feel slightly guilty the next morning.
So you can see that this month is a busy one and busy times call for simple food. It also means you take help where you can get it. And I took a little help by using Pioneer Woman’s Rosemary Acorn Squash recipe. You just can’t go wrong with ‘ol P-dub, she’s an awesome cook.
This dish would be perfect for your Thanksgiving table and could probably be made a day ahead then reheated in the oven. Like I said, take the help where you can get it and save your energy for power shopping at 4am.
Rosemary Roasted Squash
2 whole Acorn Squash
4 dashes Olive Oil
Salt To Taste
1 stick Butter, softened
½ cups Brown Sugar
2 Tablespoons Rosemary ,minced
Preheat oven to 350. Cut open your acorn squash and dig out the guts, just like a pumpkin.
Then slice the squash into wedges about 1 1/2 inches thick. Place wedges in a large baking dish and drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, mix brown sugar, rosemary, and butter together in a bowl.
Pull the squash out of the oven and top each wedge with a dollop of the sugar mixture. Return the wedges to the oven and cook for another 30 minutes, basting often with the sugary juices in the bottom of the pan.
Squash is done when it can easily be pierced with a fork. Drizzle with more basting sauce and serve.

Your twins are adorable. I have a set of twin grandsons who are 9. I have never been big on preparing acorn squash but your post has changed my thinking. Thanks for sharing.
Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook
Your acorn squash look great. I really love roasting vegetables so will give this recipe a try.
OMG how cute are they????? I totally did not even look at the acorn!
and by the way PUT THE CANDY DOWN…
You November sounds like my december… there is lots of going on in that month (we don’t celebrate thanksgiving in my house – so I don’t have to go crazy over that holiday!) But comes xmas and I go into overdrive! Plus, my birthday is in there too 🙂
And from someone that have done this recipe from PW – its delish.. and easy. Two things that are a must in any holiday cooking-thon!
Thanks so much for linking this to the Swap! I JUST bought three butternut squash at the store and will give this recipe a try. PS ~ Your kiddos are adorable. Have a wonderful weekend!!
I found your swap through Heather @ Gourmet Meals for Less. What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by!
Beautiful Jodie! I love roasted squash. Also, love the pictures of the kids, so cute!
great looking costumes, and a great roasted squash, like the sugar mix too – sorry I have not been around, been busy cooking pork…. the biscuits with the green onion mayo was probably my favorite
Yea, your pork looks awesome. I totally want to raid your fridge.
These look amazing. I must try this! Thank you!
Great information 🙂