Introducing – Meal plans!
Here is where you can add any recipe from our site into your very own little inbox for safe keeping. You can sort your favorite recipes into your own meal plans complete with shopping lists for easy access from anywhere!
Here’s how it works:
First, find a delicious recipe that you want to save for later. Like this Chicken Club Chicken Salad
Then, click on ADD TO MEAL PLAN in the recipe card

Once you do that, the button will change to GO TO COLLECTIONS. To see your recipes, click on that.

That will take you BACK to this page where you can access your own collection of Two Lucky Spoon recipes. Once you are back here, you can see all of your recipes by clicking on Meal Plans in the Your Collections box at the top of this page.

That will take you to all of the recipes you have saved where you can add recipes, remove recipes, add different “collections” and even adjust the servings and print a shopping list for the entire collection!

We will be putting together some ready made meal plans that you can use very soon, but in the meantime we hope that you find this feature very useful! You can find the complete instructions on how to use this new feature HERE.
Please, let us know if you like this new feature! And happy cooking!