Easter has really snuck up on me this year. I don’t know why, it’s dang near May so I have had plenty of time to prepare for it. Nevertheless, I have found myself fairly unprepared for the arrival of the Easter Sunday.
I would like to blame this on the fact that every Easter since we have had children has been spent by myself with the kids while my poor husband had to go work. I would have to brave the community Easter egg hunt by myself with two toddlers and last year the scariest 3 minutes of my life happened when I lost my daughter in the hoards of 3 year olds making a mad dash for eggs. After that I swore that I would never do Easter egg hunts by myself ever again.
This year I got my wish, and we will be spending Easter with my family for the first time in over 10 years. My poor husband still has to work, but at least the kids will get to experience the holiday the way it is supposed to be celebrated. Surrounded by family.
I tell you what I am really excited about… goose eggs. Four enormous, gigantic goose eggs that a friend brought me for the kids to color. Complete with goose poop still attached. I haven’t decided yet if I am going to blow them out and just let them dye the shells or if I am going to hard boil them before we color them. I really would like to try out a goose egg omelette. I hear they are delicious.
Maybe we will even throw together our own egg hunt. And I won’t just be laying the dang eggs out on the ground for the kids to snatch up, I will be actually making them hunt for those suckers. I mean it’s an egg hunt for crying out loud! Make them work for it!
I will also be cooking up a proper Easter dinner. On the menu will be dishes that you can find on here and they are some of my family favorites!
Roasted Asparagus ( Amazingly I don’t have a recipe for this one, but it is easy enough. Toss trimmed asparagus in 2 T. of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes of until asparagus is tender)
Roasted Sweet Potatoes ( blog post on that coming soon)
Happy Easter everyone!!!!
Wow, those goose eggs are HUGE! I bet your kids had a blast coloring them!