I love the holidays. I get all excited about lights and cookies and vast feasts that continue on for days and days. I also love the tradition that always comes along with the family and friends. Although this year was a little more frustrating than years past ( twin toddlers with colds and 9 people in a 1600 square foot house), there were many good memories made and lots of leftovers to devour. In my family, we don’t start getting creative with leftovers for a few days. We just eat different versions of Thanksgiving dinner for a couple days until somebody says “Uncle”. So, as the family drove away and darkness started to fall, the turkey carcass in the fridge began talking to me. It said,”if you don’t do something with me soon, you will regret it.” I tried to be more creative than soup, but I have a sore throat and a cough ( courtesy of the twins) and soup was exactly what I wanted. So I apologize for lack of creativity, but here is my incredibly tasty leftover turkey soup.
1 T oil
2 carrots, peeled and diced
2 stalks celery, peeled and diced
1 medium onion, diced
1 clove of garlic
diced mushrooms
minced sage
salt & pepper
2 cups chopped cooked turkey or chicken
1 can green beans, drained
4-5 cups of chicken stock
leftover dressing
Parmesan cheese
Saute carrots, onion, celery, and garlic in oil until tender. Add mushrooms and cook for a few more minutes. Add sage and salt and pepper. Cook for 1 minute. Add turkey, green beans and chicken stock. Cook until heated through and season to taste. Place a large ice cream scoop of dressing in bowl and reheat in microwave. Ladle soup over dressing ball and top with Parmesan cheese.
soup. I have been known to make a mean gumbo with a smoked turkey carcass.
I am turning into a soup junkie and this looks great.