It seems that whenever I make spaghetti I always make way too much. I don’t really do it intentionally, but I always end up with this big wad of pasta leftover in the morning. In an effort to use the leftovers, I came across this recipe in my trusty Good Housekeeping Cookbook. Now I know it may sound strange, spaghetti and eggs, but Good Housekeeping would never lead you astray. In my opinion this fabulous breakfast dish may be the best reason to make spaghetti. Make sure you get some sauce in here too. And if you don’t have fresh basil, dried would probably be okay, just make sure you adjust accordingly. I would also like to add that we have used this recipe with pastas that we have brought home from restaurants. It is especially good if you get a garlic-y pasta with shrimp.
Spaghetti Frittata
6 eggs
1/4 c milk
1/3 c. grated Parmesan
1/4 c chopped fresh basil
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
6 ounces cooked spaghetti
1 T olive oil
Preheat Broiler. Heat oil in an ovenproof, nonstick 10 inch skillet over medium-low heat. Mix all
ingredients in a large bowl. Add egg mixture to skillet, pressing lightly with spatula to flatten. Cook until mixture is nearly set in the center, about 10 minutes. Place skillet 6 inches from broiler and cook until set, about 1 minute. To loosen, run spatula around the edges of the skillet and flip it onto a plate. Cut into quarters and serve!
Have you tried the freeze-dried basil? It tastes just like fresh.
no I haven’t I’ll have to keep an eye out for that and give it a try. Thanks!
you know…I’m not sure what this frittata is saying to me.